‘Do you breathe nature?’: Accelerating Awareness of Panasonic’s Nanoe™X Air Purification Technology

All air conditioners can heat or cool but only Panasonic units currently utilize nanoe™X technology.

Nanoe™X are tiny, nano-sized electrostatic water particles that contain ions and Hydroxyl radicals. These Hydroxyl radicals within the nanoe™X react to hydrogen (H) contained in pollen, bacteria, viruses, and odour compounds, altering their molecules and inhibiting them.

For this campaign, Awaken was tasked with increasing consumer understanding of the benefits of nanoe™X technology, which Panasonic has integrated into many of their products, by specifically focusing on the technological benefits to Panasonic Air Conditioning.

As the only Air Conditioning manufacturer currently utilizing this air purification technology in their units, there was a great opportunity to create a campaign demonstrating all the technology can do.  



Creative Development

‘Do you breathe nature?’

For this campaign, Awaken built on Panasonic global HQ’s ad with a generic nanoe™️X message, ‘Do you Breathe nature?’.

Awaken created a pair of adverts, both using sets created in the middle of natural environments, to provide a genuine portrayal of the settings. Both adverts start with a closeup of the air conditioning unit mounted on a wall to immediately plant the seed that the focus of the ad is on the unit. As the camera tracks backwards a lounge set up is revealed with a family happily enjoying the clean air in their home. The camera continues to track backwards to reveal that the lounge is set up in the middle of a forest in one advert and on a beach in the other, with the tagline ‘Breathe Nature in Your Home’.

 Both adverts are currently live across television, online channels, and social media.  


Energizer Australia


Family Project